Welcome to SynPhon's Website!

Our products and services enable the blind and visually impaired to live with a maximum degree of independence. EinkaufsFuchs, our product recognition and organisation aid, is already providing many blind and partially sighted people throughout Germany with maximal autonomy and mobility. It has been approved as a technical aid by German health insurance companies.

Along with our own brands EinkaufsFuchs and Fledermaus, we also sell tried-and-tested aids from other manufacturers, such as Fame and Leselöwe. SynPhon stands for service and support. Contact us anytime; we will be delighted to help you in any way possible. We like to be in touch with our customers and listen to them. Their satisfaction is what drives us. That’s how we have been able to develop solutions and aids that meet precisely your needs, including training courses and (wherever needed) extensions on device guarantee periods.

We look forward to hearing from you

@ phone +49 7250 929555.

Meet us all over Germany

SightCity 2021: Join SynPhon online!

Get in touch personally and inform yourself about the EinkaufsFuchs, the Fledermaus and other technical aids from SynPhon. We look forward to meeting you!

Your SynPhon team

Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH

Im Steinig 6
76703 Kraichtal

Soon we will be back to travelling all over Germany on behalf of our customers.