About Us
SynPhon was originally engaged in developing computer-aided Hifi and audio measuring devices. In 1990, Uwe Kosa and Lüder Tideman founded Kosa,Tideman GdbR. The company’s aim was to develop and sell electronic aids for blind and partially sighted people and at the same time also provide the appropriate services. The company was transformed into SynPhon – elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH in 1996. Since then we have developed a series of intelligent aids – both on our own initiative and on behalf of other companies – with a special focus on ease of use. Here’s a list of our products:
- AV TEXT, the speaking word processor for partially sighted people (awarded with the German-Austrian Academic Software Award in 1992)
- SYNPHON 263, the electronic voice output
- EXPLORER, the book reader for the blind
- PUNKTUM, the shorthand translator for the blind
- LESEMAUS, the mobile reading device
- EinkaufsFuchs, the mobile product recognition device for the blind
- FINDUS, the product recognition system for the blind
- BrailleBook, the pocket-size organizer for the blind
- the voice output of Porta Thiel Sprache, the speaking printer for the blind
- the electronic control system and software for the large Impacto printer family
- the hand-held Piccolo printer
The copyright for the EinkaufsFuchs software is owned by Siegward Jäkel.